Studio Lite was created to work with all video editing apps and gives video content creators the power of automatic editing and access to an incomparable catalog of more than 2 million tracks directly in Adobe Premier Pro, Final Cut Pro, Davinci Resolve and more.
Most content creators have become accustomed to working in a particular video editing suite such as Adobe Premier Pro or Final Cut Pro. While these platforms don’t offer useful, extensive music catalogs like Studio, they do have in-depth functionality that goes beyond the basics of content creation, and are usually loaded with a creator’s pre-saved layouts and presets. For this reason, creators often stick to the software they know. Studio Lite was created with content creators in mind so that they can access the automatic music editing tools as well as the exceptional music in our 2 million+ catalog of pre-cleared tracks.
Note: If you prefer to watch the video tutorial on Studio Lite click here: Learn how Studio Lite by MatchTune magically creates perfect music for your video
Here’s how it works, in a few simple steps.
Set up your programs
Make sure that you have Studio Lite and your respective editing software open next to each other, so that you can work between the two.
Set the Duration
On your editing suite, find your video duration and then jump to Studio Lite’s ‘Track Duration’ slide bar. Set the duration to match that of your video - if needed, you can use your mouse wheel to fine-tune the duration.

Choose your search filters
Now, it’s time to give Studio some pointers. Hit the ‘Video For’ tab. This is where you can select from a variety of themes and purposes of your video. The ‘genres’ tab concerns the style of music you want Studio to find for you. From jazz to ambient to EDM, there is a genre for all kinds of videos. If you change your mind, don’t worry! You can unselect your filters at any time.

Search for Music
Click the ‘search for music’ button, and Studio will offer you an initial list of 5 music results that best match your search filters. These search results are based on the parameters that you set during the previous stage.
Preview Music
Hit the play button next to the first song to have a listen. If you want to keep looking, hit the play button on the next song. If none of the five tracks quite scratch the creative itch you had, you can search again to add more music, or refine your criteria further by repeating stage 3.
Creating Favorites and Playlists
Next to the play button, you’ll see two symbols. The farthest symbol allows you to favorite a song, to reference easily in the future, and the closer of the two allows you to add the song to your My Music tab. From the My Music tab, you can recall tracks and add them directly to your project.
Adding the Song to your Project
From My Music in Studio, you can drag and drop the song into the timeline of your video editing suite. Notice how it perfectly matches the length of your video.

Licensing and Finishing
Upon loading in the track, you might have noticed that you can hear a watermark. To remove this, you need to be logged into your Studio account (you can subscribe to Studio directly from the plugin or through the webapp here. Once you’re logged in, head back to the results page, and add the track, watermark-free, to your video project. Feel free to download the track to the My Music tab, so that you can use it again later.